[HOW-TO] Compile & Install Software on Arch 🏗️

Published by Alicia's Notes 🚀, View original

Quick reference of the common commands, to install packages on Arch Linux

Option #1 - Pacman

If the app is availible through AUR, then you can simply use the pacman package manager

## Install
$ sudo pacman -S {package-name(s)}

## Get Details
$ pacman -Qi {package-name}

## Remove
$ sudo pacman -R {package-name}

Option #2 - Manually

Using the makepkg script to build the package from source

## 1. Get the code (E.g. from AUR, GitHub)
$ wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/{package-name}.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf  {package-name}.tar.gz
$ cd {package-name}

## 2. Compile the package
$ makepkg -s

## 3. Install the app
$ sudo pacman -U *xz

Option #2 - from .deb

If only a .deb file is availible, you can convert it using debtap

## 1. Get debtap (first time), and optionally create an alias
$ git clone https://github.com/helixarch/debtap
$ alias debtap='. .path/to/debtap'

## 1. Download the .deb package you wish to install, e.g.
$ git clone {url-to-package.git}
$ cd {package-name}

## 3. Convert .deb to Arch package
$ debtap packagetoconvert.deb

## 4. Install the converted package to system
$ debtap -U *

Usefull Info: